
Volleyball Nova Scotia a diverse and vibrant community of people from all backgrounds, abilities, and ways of life. This is why Volleyball Nova Scotia is leading the way to ensure we have equally diverse and inclusive volleyball programming.
A diverse, inclusive volleyball program ensures equity-seeking groups - including Indigenous people, African Nova Scotians, persons with disabilities, and other under-represented groups—are genuinely included, celebrated, and given opportunities to succeed. It is a program that is welcoming, culturally competent, and free of discrimination; one that serves in a way that respects and includes the many cultures and communities of this province.

Volleyball Nova Scotia Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy

In our continuous efforts to improve and gain a deeper understanding of our community, we offer members the opportunity to voluntarily provide demographic information during the registration process. This data collection is vital for shaping the future of Volleyball Nova Scotia, and we want to clarify the reasons for this initiative.

Understanding our Community: By gathering demographic information, our goal is to comprehensively understand the diverse community that comprises Volleyball Nova Scotia. This encompasses factors such as Ethnic Background, Indigenous Self-Declaration and Para-Athlete Status. This knowledge will enable us to customize our programs, events, and communications to better align with the needs and preferences of our members.

Enhancing Inclusivity: The demographic data we collect helps pinpoint areas where improvements in inclusivity and diversity are necessary within our organization. This insight guides us in creating an environment that welcomes individuals from all backgrounds, fostering a sense of belonging and unity among our members.

Planning for the Future: The data collected will be instrumental in our future planning processes, whether it involves new program development or community outreach initiatives. Accurate demographic information empowers us to make informed decisions that resonate with the needs and aspirations of our community.

Additional Resources:

Working with LGBTQ Athletes and Coaches 

Creating Inclusive Environments for Trans Participants in Canadian Sport 

Sport for Life Education Resources

Keeping Girls in Sport 

Coach.ca Training Modules

Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion 

NCCP Anti-Racism in Coaching 

NCCP Creating a Positive Sport Environment

NCCP Raising Next Gen Men

NCCP Safe Sport Training

Call it Out – Elearning (Ontario Human Rights Commission)

Tips for being an Ally