
Membership Fees & Benefits

Membership fees include a Volleyball Nova Scotia and Volleyball Canada component. Memberships are good from September 1 until August 31 of each year.

Volleyball Canada (VC) Membership Fees

  • Competitive member - $32  
  • Recreation members - $5 
Volleyball Nova Scotia (VNS) Membership Fees 
  • Competitive members -  $48  
  • Recreation members -  $12

Membership Benefits for Competitive members:

  • Indoor tournaments and Provincial Championships
  • Qualification through the Provincial Championships to compete in the National Championships
  • Access to publications including texts and manuals
  • Accident and liability insurance coverage while traveling to and participating in Volleyball Nova Scotia events
  • National Coaching Certification Programs (NCCP) and clinics
  • Officials’ certification clinics (indoor and beach)
  • Access to Volleyball Nova Scotia's certified Officials
  • Discounts from Volleyball Nova Scotia sponsors
  • Access to Athlete Development programs
  • Access to the Provincial Team Program (indoor and beach)
  • Information and access to Elementary Leader Volleyball programs for children
  • Promotional material to increase the awareness of volleyball in Nova Scotia
  • Instructional material on volleyball skills and drills

Membership Benefits for Recreation members:

  • Accident and liability insurance coverage while traveling to and participating in Volleyball Nova Scotia events
  • Information and access to the Elementary Leader Volleyball program for children
  • Promotional material to increase the awareness of volleyball in Nova Scotia
  • Instructional material on volleyball skills and drills

Principles of Membership

In the past, Volleyball Canada's (VC's) relationship with its members was indirect.  VC's Provincial/Territorial Associations (P/TA's) gathered data on members and paid an assessment fee to VC based on the population of the province and the number of competitive and recreational members it recorded.

The data was maintained by the P/TA and members in most cases were not even aware that they were members of the National Association.  In addition, membership growth was difficult to track and it appeared that VC lagged behind all other team sports in number of registered members.

Consequently, Volleyball Canada (including P/TA's) identified the need to review and revise its membership structure, with the recognition that membership is the fundamental platform for the development of volleyball.

The strategy to develop membership is based on the following key principles:

  1. Membership growth is the result of retaining existing members and attracting new members.
  2. Growth requires investment in strategies to develop new members and customers.
  3. Tracking memberships - who stays, who joins, demographics of membership, patterns of growth, etc. - is essential to evaluating growth and the success of growth strategies.
  4. Everyone - VC, Association Members and Local Affiliates - benefits from membership development and needs to collaborate on strategies for growth.
  5. Members are fundamentally responsible for developing their sport. Fees are an important way of ensuring the organization's capacity to develop the sport.

With these principles in mind, VC has moved to a format of Individual Membership, whereby each participant who registers with a Provincial/Territorial Volleyball Association (P/TA) will also register, and be aware that they are registering, with Volleyball Canada. In addition, all VC membership fees which were formerly buried within the P/TA membership fee, will now be clearly identified as the VC membership fee. 

If you have any questions or require further information, do not hesitate to contact Jason Trepanier Executive Director, Volleyball Nova Scotia at